Events / Meetings
Throughout the year, Streatham Action will hold or support a number of events. You will find all you need to know about them on this page. You will also find notices and minutes of meetings.
Past Events
Streatham & Croydon North Hustings
Streatham Action and Love Streatham co-hosted a very well-attended Streatham & Croydon North hustings yesterday evening. Many thanks to Streatham Baptist Church for having provided the venue.
On the platform, alongside Streatham Action's Chair, Ali Angus, were Scott Ainslie (Green), Steve Reed (Labour), Claire Bonham (Lib Dems), Anthony Boutall (Conservative) and Waseem Sherwani (Workers' Party of Britain).
PPCs for Christian Peoples Alliance, Reform and SDP had also been invited.
There was a wide range of questions asked, drawn both from ones sent in advance and others asked from the floor.