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Drafts Minutes of SAT Group Meeting (7/3/2023)

Writer's picture: tech measttech meast


Neil Salt

Re-elected Chair, SATG

Helen Bird

Minute Taker

Katerina Makolova

GTR Station Manager for Streatham Stations

Philip Loy


Andy Brown


Emma Elliott

Newly elected Secretary, SATG

Cllr Matthew Bryant


Cllr Martin Abrams via Zoom


Jane Wroe Wright


Bruno Rodriguez via Zoom


Kate Leith via Zoom


Cllr Martin Abrams via Zoom


Anthony Gilmore


Cllr Donna Harris via Zoom


James Bradley via Zoom


Leon Maurice Jones via Zoom


Brian Storey via Zoom


Penny Garcev


David Wadsworth

Member, Liveable Streatham Wells

Jim Bennett


Katie Cannon


Jeremy Bourke

Tierney Road Residents’ Association

Jeremy Clyne


Martin Gough




Robert Doyle

Co-Treasurer, SA

Pete Johnson


Nicholas Wailes


Cllr Nicole Griffiths


Alex Yedigaroff

Chair, Liveable Streatham Wells

Donna Lister

Member, Liveable Streatham Wells




Welcome from Chair, apologies, introductions and declarations of interest.


NS welcomed KM, Station Manager GTR Southern Rail to her second SATG meeting.


Declarations of Interest

●        EE – declared her interest as a Leigham Court Road resident

●        AG – declared his interest as a member of London Cyclists group



Approval of minutes from our meetings held on Tuesday 10th January and Tuesday 18th October, previously circulated. 


●        Tuesday 10th January 2023

●        Tuesday 18th October 2022


OUTSTANDING - Minutes were not reviewed during meeting.

URGENT ACTION – for review and approval at next committee meeting.



Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda.


As above

URGENT ACTION – for review and approval at next committee meeting.



Update from, and Q & A with KM,, GTR’s station manager for the 3 Streatham stations with a particular focus on:


●        KM advised introduction of 2 additional trains scheduled for May with 8 coaches on Streatham Hill to London Bridge via Tulse Hill at 07.50 and 08.20 daily.

●        5 car trains to increase to 6 car trains on all services via Tulse Hill route into L Bridge, at the expense of most West Croydon to London Victoria and London Bridge to London Victoria services reducing from 10 to 8 cars.

●        East Croydon to Watford Jct services will increase from 4 to 5 cars

●        KM circulated GTR occupancy report highlighting busiest services during weekdays to Victoria via S Common.

●        KL raised her concerns about packed trains on that service, via Clapham Jct, on weekdays both in the morning peak and evening peak Described issue of overcrowded trains at S Common then ‘emptying’ at CJct.

●        Problems most acute during 16:45 – 18:00hrs period at CJct. Any chance of additional services from CJct to S Common during evening period?

●        KM advised that GTR has no more staff available to run additional services.

●        KM confirmed reasons for cancellations / causes are announced to passengers at stations; 10 is the max level of cars that can be run at present.

●        AG asked KM about the contracts process post creation of GBR

●        KM advised she is not involved in this; she could not say what GBR will be like when it comes into effect.

●        KM was not aware of any new rolling stock coming on line.

●        PG asked as to why there were cuts to S Common - Victoria service

●        KM responded that this was all part of the current upgrading of signalling on the Brighton mainline.


-       Streatham station accessibility works – latest update on timings;


●        KM confirmed that lift works are very much in progress with 1 lift shaft already built.

●        Works will switch to platform 1, as works on platform 2 are completed.


-       dangers attached to narrowing of width of platform at Streatham station;

●        NS asked KM to confirm if any safety issues had been raised.

●        KM reported no recorded incidents; sufficient space for passenger crowds has been allowed further down the platform.


-       anticipated station ticket office closures;

●        KM advised she is awaiting the decision of GTR, which will be a nationwide strategy decision. She thought probably not all ticket offices would close; station staff would remain, albeit in different capacities, on a station-by-station basis.

●        QR codes on tickets / QR code readers at all stations now.

●        KM was not able to confirm when GTR’s contract is due to end.


-       discussion around entry and exit gate-line numbers at all 3 stations for period Jul 2022 – Jan 23;

●        NS asked for some further explanation with regard to the gate line statistics report.

●        KM advised that footfall at Streatham is not measured accurately, because not all passengers are passing through the gates.

●        NS queried as to the considerable reduction in gate line stats at all 3 stations during December. 

●        KM advised this was attributable to the rail strikes; and confirmed that more rail strikes were to come.


-       NS asked as to whether or not the Tuesday to Thursday rush hour period is still far busier than for Mondays and Fridays?

●        KM confirmed Tue-Thu remains the trend; at 84% pre-COVID, and also with many more customers now travelling at weekends.

●        NS queried why S Hill and S Common had been particularly bad for cancellations at weekends?

●        KM advised this was due to the ongoing signalling works project; this will directly affect S Hill in near future and the effect would get worse; the situation at S Common should, however, start to improve.


-       Streatham Common station train cancellations and consequential overcrowding;


-       Network Rail's signalling upgrade work on the Victoria to East Croydon line;


●        NS queried about Network Rail’s confirmed recent phase 4 signalling works, involving track and points alterations, asking if improved service was expected on completion.

●        Noted problem around the Selhurst depot during the prior weekend.

●        KM’s manager, Stephen Norris, has expressed interest in attending a future SATG meeting to answer further questions.

●        KM advised further significant disruption anticipated for Easter weekend.

●        NS queried as to whether or not Thameslink services will be impacted by the next phase of signalling works. KM was unable to comment.


ACTION – NS to invite Network Rail Representative to next meeting


Areas for further feedback at next meeting:


-       frequent weekend train cancellations at Streatham Hill;


-       more trains to Streatham Common from Clapham Junction in the evening peak period, if at all possible please;



-       further feedback as to how the September timetable changes are working out;


-       cycle rack area misuse at Streatham Hill station;


●        KM advised, in response to Streatham Hill station cycle rack area being used as a toilet area, that deep cleaning is carried out at intervals; considering relocation of cycle rack to inside station, to deter misuse.

●        LMJ asked if there was any chance of increasing the cycle storage capacity at S Hill station.

●        KM clarified LB Lambeth owns the space occupied by shops at S Hill station parade.

●        NS asked about the possibility of installing railings immediately outside S Hill station


ACTION – KM is willing to look further into these issues.


-       update on pigeon problems under the bridge area at Streatham Hill station. 


●        KM confirmed that anti-pigeon under-bridge netting would be installed at S Hill by 31st March.

●        NS thanked KM for her attendance and information.


ACTION – KM’s area manager to attend next meeting with her.



6. Lobbying for longer term rail transport infrastructure improvements for Streatham, in conjunction both with LBL and Streatham’s MP, Bell Ribeiro-Addy (BR-A)


●        JWW, NS and Bell R-A met at an event recently. BR-A remains supportive of lobbying for improvement of transport infrastructure.


●        Northern Line extension towards Clapham Jct has been proposed by Wandsworth Council.


●        SATG Committee needs to ascertain as to what is LBL’s strategy in pitching for improvements to Streatham’s transport infrastructure.


●        JWW advised LB Wandsworth very actively involved; suggested SATG needs to ask LB Lambeth directly what they are doing, with their local MP’s backing.


●        JC noted that the Northern Line junction at Kennington was not sufficiently planned to allow for future developments.


●        PL concluded the recent Battersea Power Station development had a significant influence in the plan being approved to extend the N Line to Battersea Park.


●        NS queried if Northern line extension to C Jct had been considered.


●        KL queried if any consideration to extend N line from Balham to Streatham had been considered.



●        JWW concluded the situation illustrates the lack of lobbying done on behalf of Streatham; DH anxious that needs of Streatham are realised.



ACTION – NS to invite BR-A to future meeting + Cllr R Chowdhury to advise the committee on LBL’s strategy




Appointment of Chair and Secretary of Transport sub-group for the current year. 


●        Election was undertaken by a show of hands around the table;

●        Eligibility note – eligible candidates need to be a member of the Streatham Action Committee

●        SATG is looking to appoint a Secretary rather than a Vice Chair in order to comply with Streatham Action rules. NS to liaise further with PJ on the back of his prior very welcome active engagement as Vice Chair.


Appointment of Chair

●        NS nominated by JWW

●        2nded by JB

●        NS Elected by majority, with no objections


Appointment of Secretary

●        Emma Elliott nominated by NS

●        2nded by JWW

●        EE elected by majority / no objections


ACTIONS – Secretary and Chair to ensure records are updated etc



Latest update subsequent to Streatham Wells LTN design stage consultation having ended on 8th January and with a particular focus on upcoming meeting on 8th March of 2 members of Streatham Action Committee with Cllr Rezina Chowdhury and two of her transport planner colleagues. 


●        NS recapped on expressions of serious concerns raised re. SWLTN reaching design stage without sufficient public consultation

●        Public meeting on 7th Dec 2022 was well attended (c. 300)

●        Majority view was that people felt they had not been properly consulted.

●        SATG organised a petition to LBL raising these points:

o   seeking greater clarity on SHLTN, from the perspective of traffic loading and pollution levels on Leigham Court Road, before any decisions taken on SWLTN;

o   SWLTN to be put on hold until people had opportunity to vote either for the LTN as it stands –possibly incorporating some minor amendments – or for some potential alternative traffic reduction measures in place of a fully-fledged LTN.

●        Petition gathered 1,371 signatures

●        SA Committee had requested a meeting with Cllr RC.

●        A Teams meeting will take place between Cllr RC and 2 of her transport officer colleagues and NS and Ali Angus – the 2 SA Committee officer representatives - on 8 Mar 2023;

●        Agenda prepared and agreed, including an alternative scheme proposal from a local resident recommending changes to road structure on Valley Road and with that scheme proposal having been shared with SA Committee colleagues;

●        Focus for alternative scheme is problems on Valley Rd and suggested improvements;

●        NS confirmed to the meeting that this alternative proposal to the LTN was not SA’s proposal, but that it had been put forward to SA with a request for it to be submitted to Cllr RC and 2 transport planners in advance of the meeting.

●        NS advised that if the SWLTN proceeds, some changes are anticipated.



8 Mar 2023 Teams meeting to take place between NS and AA, from the SA Committee, and Cllr RC and her 2 transport officer colleagues.

NS to feed back to SATG


●        JB queried as to who had put forward the alternative proposal and expressed his concerns about it being presented to LBL.

●        NS confirmed it was the proposal of a local resident; not qualified in planning; an observational piece of work.

●        AG said he had not had an opportunity to review the alternative proposal; felt it needed to be reviewed by someone qualified.

●        Discussion around party politics coming in to things, but this was refuted, given that the counterproposal was from a local resident who had responded to the consultation. 

●        LMJ questioned SA Committee’s lead on this rather than SATG.

●        NS confirmed that at the Public Meeting, SA officers decided to pursue these actions, SA Committee agreed this strategy and with SA’s elected officers involved throughout the process.

●        Cllr RC and her transport planners have seen the document. NS confirmed that LBL’s Kerbside strategy would also be assisted by such a plan/suggestions.

●        PL clarified that his concerns were about how representative is that view, of the local population of the ward? He expressed his hopes that NS and AA would achieve a positive outcome.

●        EE clarified that nobody put forward a proposal supporting a LTN or suggesting other measures; She reminded all present of the aim to keep discussions apolitical, and to focus on addressing the issue of people’s opportunity to feel consulted. EE further clarified that any alternative proposal is not considered a solution.

●        JWW added that BID businesses have fed back that they did not feel that they had been consulted.




Lambeth Council's Kerbside Strategy - rebalancing priorities for Lambeth streets and possible future pop-up events during March. Link to document: 

ACTION: to be discussed at next meeting



Follow-up on latest Streatham Hill LTN drop-in consultation session held at Hitherfield Primary School on Wednesday 22nd February.


ACTION: to be discussed at the next meeting



Changes to emissions-based parking charges with consultation open until Friday 10th March.  Further information and the survey can be found in the links below:







●        JC gave a brief update on his FOI request into the status of Valley Rd. He has noted this is described as a ‘Connector' road; given TfL’s co-ordinating role on such roads, he queried as to what involvement TfL have had in this decision?


●        NS confirmed only that he had been advised that Valley Rd had been re-designated to a “Local Street” by LBL some years ago.



●        JC to share definition with NS in preparation for tomorrow’s meeting with Cllr RC, so he can raise this issue.



Date and time of next meeting



Not set at meeting but subsequently scheduled for Thursday 11th May


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