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Drafts Minutes of Streatham Action AGM (22/11/2022)

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1.    Attending:

Emma Elliott, Leigham Court Rd Residents’ Group (EE)

Richard Payne(?) Resident (RP)

Justin Hayes, Streatham PCN (JHy)

Cllr Matthew Bryant, Streatham

Hill West & Thornton - Lib Dem


Caroline Hewitt, Resident (CH)

Julian Heather (JHth)

Catherine Walsh, Participation Officer, LB Lambeth (CW)

Cllr Rezina Chowdhury,

Streatham Hill East - Lab (RC)

Jeremy Clyne (JC)

Davide Turi, Resident (DT)

Brian Storey, Savviville

Streatham App (BS)

Dylan Jackson-French,


Mauela Mossa, Resident (MM)

George Clark (GC)

Robert Hill, Chair Streatham Action (RH)

Robert Doyle, Treasurer & Committee Member (RD)

Anthony Buchan(?) Resident (AB)

Neil Salt, Vice Chair Streatham

Action & Chair SA Transport

Group (NS)

Cllr Nicole Griffiths, Streatham

St Leonards - Green(NG)

Amanda Skeffington, Resident (AS)

Ali Angus, Committee Member (AA)

Charley Jarrett, Resident & SYCT Trustee (CJ)

Amanda White, Resident &

Railside Community Gardens

Representative (AW)

Helen Bird, Minute Taker (HB)

Georgina Shelley, Resident (GS)



2.    Apologies Received:

Charles Owen, Committee Member (CO)

Jonny-Dobbs Grove, Committee Member (JDG)

Sandra Jones, Committee

Member standing for re-election (SJ)

David Harvey, FOSHT, Committee Member (DH)



3.    Welcome and introductions:

●    RH apologised for the advertised meeting room not being available, and thanked those assembled for their understanding and patience while this was resolved.

● RH identified existing committee members and support

Streatham Action Committee Officers and Members:

o      Robert Hill, Chair, standing for re-election o  Ali Angus, standing for election o         Brian Storey, standing for election o  Charles Owen (apologies for absence) o  David Harvey (apologies for absence)

o      Jonny Dobbs-Grove (apologies for absence) o         Neil Salt, Vice Chair, standing for re-election o       Robert Doyle, Treasurer, standing for re-election o  Sandra Jones standing for re-election (apologies for absence)

4.    Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 30 June 2021

Approval of minutes of the previous AGM

●     RD proposed adoption of minutes

●     NG seconded the proposal

●     Outcome: draft minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 30/06/2021 were formally adopted.


●     New committee to sign off draft minutes.

    Streatham Action to post formal minutes on SA website by January 2023

5. Streatham Action Year in Review Report – Robert Hill, Chair

●     RH provided overview of Streatham Action’s focus and activity over the period 2021-2022, noting some common issues identified by Streatham residents and other community groups.

●     RH stated it is SA’s aim is to see increased cooperative working between local safety panels.

●     Confirmed works in progress at Potters Lane Underpass.

●     Welcomed SYCT’s involvement in SA’s discussions and activity and with SNPs in future.

●     Local Crime and Community Summit held 9th Mar 2022.

●     RH Confirmed Crime and Community Safety Group Meeting Jan 2023; separate from SNPs, without inclusion of local police.

●     Mentioned Hustings event Jun 2022 chaired by AA, which provided the opportunity for residents to meet all candidates from parties, in a safe space for Q&A.

●     AA confirmed SA’s intention to host more events like this, to help improve political awareness and discourse locally.

Community Conversations

●     AA outlined work underway to deliver a series of Community conversation events. The intention was that the first of these would focus on “sharing/swapping” o    Info o   Stuff o Resources o    Food

●     Adopting a circular economy model and approach.

●     SA ready to host first event but urgently needs a venue, or the money to hire a suitable venue and SA would ideally like to host this event before Christmas.

●     Louise Abbotts, Manager, InStreatham BID is looking for a suitable vacant shop on Streatham High Road that might host this.

Small grant scheme

●     RH announced that Streatham Action had received some additional funding from Lambeth Public Health that would allow the introduction of health and well-being small grants available to individuals and community groups from January 2023.

●     Application will be straightforward and community decides how grants awarded.


●     The pressing issue of there being no SA Planning sub-group was raised, with particular reference to the proposed development of the Woodgate Drive site.

●     RH encouraged people attending AGM to sign up, in order to be able to launch this.

●     Reminder that SA not a campaigning group, and that Public meetings are desired for debating Planning issues.


●     RH recognised many people attending were concerned by latest proposals for a Streaham Wells Low Traffic Neighbourhood. LTNs and Streatham-wide traffic issues are debated by Streatham Action Transport Group (SATG).

●     It was requested that RC, who was present in her capacity as Cabinet Member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air, extend the current design stage consultation on the Streatham Wells LTN until the end of January 2023.

●     NS stated that it was his intention to schedule a SATG meeting, if he would be able to secure representation from both TfL and LBL at that meeting”.

●     AA asked NS to rapidly organise a public meeting before Christmas to address the LTN consultation issue.

●     AA asked RC to take back these concerns to Lambeth’s Cabinet, highlighting the urgency of this issue.


NS to liaise with RC to find a Lambeth Air Quality Monitoring representative to attend a public meeting, when confirmed.

6. Streatham Action Transport Group Year in Review Report - Neil Salt, Vice Chair

Since last AGM SATG has met as a subcommittee roughly every one to 2 months (excluding during local election periods).

Improved accessibility at Streatham Station

        ●    Works are now in progress to install lifts to both platforms.

A23 reconfiguration

●     Agreed by TfL and Mayor’s Office

●     Emphasis on safer transport cycling and walking

●     The traffic engineers’ designs are not yeat in the public domain, funding would seem to have been agreed although not yet fully committed

Streatham LTNs

●     Streatham Wells LTN design stage consultation currently in progress

●     There were a number of questions from floor about LTNs

●     SATG meetings include all stakeholder representatives

7. Streatham Action Treasurer’s Reports 2020 & 2021 – Robert Doyle

●     Modest expenditure for the last 2 years.

●     There was a substantial underspend as the freelance administrator role had not been filled

●     As well as the new Health and Wellbeing Grants, intention was to use a single application process for any wider Community Chest and Open Spaces grants.

●     New committee to decide priorities for SA Designated Reserve funds.

●     Last year no Lambeth Forum Network grant funding was received, as owing to minimal activity Lockdown, SA did not submit an application/plan.

8. Election of Streatham Action Committee for 2022-2023

●     There were four officer posts for election: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and up to eleven ordinary committee members..

●     RH formally stood aside from chairing the meeting during this item.

●     Catherine Walsh, Lambeth Participation Officer presided over these election and explained the process to be followed

1.    Nominees’ statements submitted via nomination form/email.

2.    Contested posts to consider – none.

3.    Voting decided by show of hands.

4.    Election decided where a clear majority indicated on the first vote.

Streatham Action Committee Officer and Member Elections 2022-2023 Results

Candidate Elected Position Seconded by Declared Other Interests

Robert Hill

Chair / Committee Member

Sandra Jones


Neil Salt

Vice Chair / Committee Member

Ali Angus

President Streatham Conservatives

Robert Doyle


/Committee Member

Robert Hill

Trustee, Streatham Society Director, Streatham Festival

Brian Storey


/Committee Member

Robert Hill

Director, Savviville

Ali Angus

Secretary / Committee Member

Sandra Jones


Sandra Jones

Committee Member

Robert Hill


Caroline Starkey

Committee Member

Caroline Hewitt




Committee Member

Georgina Shelley


Charley Jarrett

Committee Member

Georgina Shelley

Trustee SYCT

David Turi

Committee Member

Manuela Mossa


Emma Elliott

Committee Member

Georgina Williams


●     All the candidates were elected by a clear majority

●     CW congratulated and handed over governance of Committee to newly elected Chair, RH, the Officers and new Committee Members

●     RH welcomed all new and re-elected committee members and officers, and thanked CW for her attendance and oversight.

●     Committee agrees that encouraging younger people’s membership remains a high priority.

9. AOB

●     JHy announcement re. social prescribing and local care network event 24th November at Gracefield Gardens.

●     RH confirmed that a committee subgroup to focus on health and well-being was possible.

●     AW updated those present about the Railside Community Garden and encouraged people to take a look at the website”.

●     RD recommended that SA publicise community groups to help increase engagement, and identify those deserving grants.

●     RH confirmed SYCT hosting Community Warm Lounge sessions open to all, on Tuesdays between Dec 2022 - Mar 2023, 10:30 am - 2:30 pm.

●     Contribution slips distributed with aim of capturing all topics for discussion and ideas.

●     RH asked that all present please complete and return to him either on paper or online before the end of the year.

●     GS queried what work was being done with the involvement of local schools and colleges

●     AA advised that this is an area that SA will be exploring in the future.

10. Time and Date of Next Meeting - TBC

●     RH confirmed he would host informal discussion with new committee members before Christmas.

●     NS to advise Committee of date of a public meeting re. LTNs as soon as this is confirmed.

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