Streatham Action Statement (9/11/2023)
Streatham Action stance on Streatham Wells trial LTN Streatham Action and its transport group’s stance with regard to launching any...
Agenda Streatham Action Transport Group Meeting (11/05/2023)
1. Welcome from Chair, apologies, introductions and declarations of interest. (2 mins)  2. Approval of minutes from our meetings held on...
Streatham Action Statement (22/10/2023)
Streatham Action stance on Streatham Wells trial LTN Streatham Action and its transport group’s stance with regard to launching any...
Agenda Streatham Action Transport Group Meeting (22/08/2023)
1. Welcome from Chair, apologies, introductions and declarations of interest. (2 mins) 2. Streatham Action’s Code of Conduct for...
Background info to assist with responding to the GTR/Southern Rail consultation (18/8/2023)
This document replaces all previous information supplied by Streatham Action in relation to the proposed closure of ticket offices and...
Agenda Streatham Action Transport Group Meeting (6/6/2023)
1. Welcome from Chair, apologies, introductions and declarations of interest. (2 mins)  2. Preparation for upcoming discussions with...
Drafts Minutes of SAT Group Meeting (18/3/2021)
Attendance Neil Salt (NS) (Chair) Helen Bird (HB) (Minutes) Pete Johnson (PJ) (Vice Chair) Jeremy Clyne (JC) Robert Doyle (RD) Chris...