Streatham Action created a Transport sub-group at its November 2014 AGM.
This came about on the back of the following two sizeable transport infrastructure proposals that would have involved south London as part of their proposals:
• On the back of a public meeting that the Green Party had convened in the summer of 2014, specifically to discuss a first Crossrail 2 consultation phase, it was decided that all further meetings relating to transport infrastructure improvements relating to Streatham would best be co-ordinated by Streatham Action. Such a way forward would thereby nurture a cross-party and non-party political approach to such discussions, so as to allow for the very most effective approaches then to be made to the relevant authorities for such improvements.
• TfL went to consultation on a proposed Bakerloo Line extension to the south east at the end of September 2014.
Streatham Action Transport Group (SAT Group)
The group initially comprised 7 members of the Streatham Action committee and 4 other members who had attended the SA AGM and had expressed a keen interest to be involved in this transport group.
Over the subsequent 7 years to date, membership has continued to be drawn from a combination of both Streatham Action committee members and other interested individuals who are keen to see transport infrastructure improvements for Streatham.
Neil Salt has chaired this transport sub-group since its inception, alongside the hugely valuable assistance of Pete Johnson – a professional transport specialist – as Vice Chair since February 2019. Over the course of that time, membership has thrived and with numbers attending the bi-monthly meetings often extending to 12-15 members, alongside other interested individuals relating to the specific aspects under discussion from meeting to meeting.